The senses are like a cipher separating the horse we see with the horse we feel; understanding sensory soundness is the key to decoding the mystery and unlocking the doorway into the mind of the horse...
It is with great excitement that, after five months in the making, we are able to officially announce that the new online education platform, Life Through the Senses, has been launched! With the release of "Understanding Sensory Soundness: Mapping the Senses; an Expedition Through the Mind of the Horse" Course Lesson One.
This is the first lesson of twelve total, with the second course lesson planned to be released sometime in January 2024. As many of you know, the month of November I will be in Australia as we embark on a month long Applied Sensory Soundness Tour, so writing the second lesson will not start until our return. One of the many reasons I am excited with this first course offering is that it will set the stage for everything that follows, from training to breeding courses through a course planned on Equine PTSD and beyond. This initial course lays the foundation.
Initially I had planned to write the first course solely around Sensory Mapping. However, as I crafted the outline and started in on writing in late May 2023, I realized that it was impossible to offer a course about the new innovation of sensory mapping without diving into the nuts and bolts of how and why and what for... As I wrote, and labored for months worrying over every detail and its presentation, I new that it was not just about sensory mapping, but quite a lot about the inner workings of horse psychology itself. Sensory soundness holds the keys to everything from a horses unique capacity for learning to the very development of their individual "personalities". In this first course we will cover all of this and reveal along the way the beautiful and intricate nature of the equine mind. I strongly encourage you to jump in now as we begin this journey with lesson one. For those who have inquired, I am planning on creating a certification program for Sensory Mapping, but there is no way to get there, without going through here first.
This course and each unique course lesson to follow will provide for you an opportunity to experience the mind of the horse an adopt a view from the hoof in ways you quite likely have never been offered before. When you invest in this course, you're investing in yourself as much as you are in your horses; it is a mutual journey. Something I have dreamed about doing for quite a long time, creating a space to share this journey with others and teach that which I have learned so far. Our plan is that you get a years worth of access to each course lesson to both optimize your investment as well as to optimize your opportunity to learn what is being offered.
The future? I plan on continuously creating content for new courses for sure. Once this first full course is completed I will dive right in to what's next in this Master Class Psychology Series; the psychology of training and coaching being on deck. I have on board a copy editor and in fact for this first lesson, I wanted the input of editors from different backgrounds and the first lesson was rinsed through the lens of 5 copy editors before we released it. My goal is to present to you and provide for you the very best that I can, if you're buying my work, you deserve to know that you're getting the very best of me 100% of the time.
Thinking further ahead, as you can see by going to Education on the website toolbar, that I have several courses planned, and not just about horses. Little known fact perhaps, but I have published other books even before my first equine book, as my passions to help both humans and horses has no fences. I am inviting you to join with me as this journey unfolds, help me grow the awareness that we have courses available and are planning much for the future as we build a community together. It will take time indeed, as everything that comes available is original content and research developed and created by me as I reflect back on over 30 years of work and reach forward with new concepts and innovation for tomorrow.

Special Note: If you are a subscriber to this website and/or are attending one of the seminars for the Applied Sensory Soundness tour in Australia, November 2023, for a limited time you are eligible for a coupon code to put toward the purchase of course lesson one!
Thank you for being here, I hope you will join with me as we Live. Explore. Dream... Life Through the Senses
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Thank You,
Your Friend ~ Kerry