Featured Podcasts

Beyond the Hoof
with Kerry & Daphne Thomas
"Beyond the Hoof with Kerry & Daphne" explores life’s emotional connections—from heartfelt stories of Destination Hope to raw, real conversations on unique topics and human interests. Join the us as we dive into the everyday and extraordinary, sharing pure, unscripted content that inspires and uplifts.
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With Dr. Shelley Appleton & Kathryn Christieson
I would be deeply remiss not to personally say Thank You to my friends, Dr. Shelley Appleton and Kathryn Christieson, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude. Dr. Appleton and Kathryn are not only two brilliant minds, they are both genuine and kind, the very best human beings. Having the opportunity to do this Podcast Series with them has not only helped me grow my international audience, calling these two friends has helped me grow as a person, and learn how to better share my work and my message. Thank you Shelley, thank you Kathryn, and thank you all who are here. I hope you will enjoy the shows we have recorded, and the new ones yet to come! ~Kerry